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First ever representation of Irish English linguists at the EFACIS board meeting and at the international EFACIS PhD seminar in Leuven:

First ever representation of Irish English linguists at the EFACIS board meeting and at the international EFACIS PhD seminar in Leuven: Carolina Amador-Moreno (Bergen) represents… Read More »First ever representation of Irish English linguists at the EFACIS board meeting and at the international EFACIS PhD seminar in Leuven:


Reminder: NPIE 7 – THIRD AND FINAL CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: DEADLINE 31 MARCH 2022  NPIE 7 will be held at University College Cork, Ireland from Wednesday June 8… Read More »Reminder

Post-doc vacancy

Post-doc scholars of Irish English might be interested in the following 6 year post-doc vacancy with a diachronic focus at Vienna University. Details at: